Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Before Taking Accutane Check You Know These Safety Concerns

Accutane is a powerful drug used to treat the most severe types of acne. It is extremely effective at treating acne, but it comes with a list of side effects and risks - making it suitable for last resort cases. Accutane works by using a processed and concentrated form of Vitamin A to decrease oil production in your skin. Oftentimes, too much oil production will result in clogged pores, which results in acne. Accutane also works by killing the bacteria responsible for acne.
Accutane is the brand name for the drug isotretinoin. Isotretinoin is sold under many different brand names; however, Accutane is the most popular in the United States and has been around since 1982. If you want to save money, you can also purchase the generic form of isotretinoin, which goes under the name Claravis.
A treatment plan involving Accutane will typically last from two to six months. Accutane dosage typically falls within .50 to 200 mg per day, and can be taken in either oral or topical form. The tablets aren't cheap and can cost you between 150 to 200 dollars per month, with higher dosages costing more. Since many insurance companies consider acne to be a cosmetic issue, Accutane is not normally covered by insurance. However, if you need Accutane to combat cysts or nodules, your insurance might cover treatment.
Accutane is a powerful and sometimes dangerous drug. Therefore, in order to use Accutane, you will need to sign up with iPledge. iPledge is a program associated with the FDA that began as a way to help prevent pregnant ladies from having babies with birth defects due to Accutane. Similarly, if you are female, you will need to take two pregnancy tests, with negative results, in order to obtain Accutane. These tests will need to be repeated each month of treatment. Women who are sexually active while on Accutane must use two different forms of birth control, or abstain from sexual activity.
As you can see, Accutane isn't a drug you mess around with. It is reserved for the most serious cases of acne, and shouldn't be the first drug you try. If nothing else has worked, however, Accutane can be a good treatment option for you. Accutane has worked when other drugs have failed, and although there are side effects, is tolerated by thousands of people across America. While using Accutane, remain under the care of your physician, and always report any side effects.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Combining Levitra with Natural Remedies for ED

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a difficult ailment to deal with not because it does not have any type of treatment but because those who suffer from it are usually not comfortable in talking about it. The inability to get or sustain an erection is something very embarrassing for most men but what many do not know is that ED is very common and affects approximately 30 million men in the US alone. It's just the severity of their ED that varies.

Levitra is one of the most popular drugs prescribed for those with ED for them to enjoy their sex life like they used to however aside from Levitra, there are other remedies that one can take a look at.


For those who wouldn't want to take drugs or treatments that are not naturally occuring, there are a number of natural remedies you can use. The no.1 in the list is L-arginine. This amino acid helps in relaxing blood vessels, increasing blood flow along the way. Relaxation of muscles in the penis will allow men with ED to get an erection. This amino acid can be found in dairy, meat, fish, and poultry. L-arginine is in fact deemed as the naturally occurring sildenafil.


Although used as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, gingko is a particularly popular treatment for erectile dysfunction. Experts say however that the herb is most effective for men whose ED is an effect of taking antidepressant. In a study of 60 men with ED, it showed that gingko has 50% success rate.


Another natural remedy is Propionyl-L-Carnitine. According to a study, this naturally occurring chemical enhances the effectiveness of sildenafil - the generic drug for ED and is also a good supplement for men with diabetes who also suffer from erectile dysfunction. This amino acid is produced by the body. It is used for the treatment of intermittent claudication because of poor blood circulation and ipso facto also a very good alternative to improve blood circulation for those who have erectile dysfunction. Aside from ED, this amino acid is also used for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, low testosterone levels, congestive heart failure, and atheorsclerosis.


Remember when your doctor told you that you need all types of vitamins i.e. from A to Zinc? Well you should take this seriously because a significant depletion of this mineral in the body can cause erectile dysfunction.

Propecia and whether hats aggravate balding

Many years ago, the title of this article was almost a famous song, featuring both as a stage musical number and, later, as a free-standing pop or blues song. For the obvious cultural reasons, it reinforces the link between hats and the head. From the earliest times when clothing was just being invented, humans found various good reasons to cover their heads. It's a good way to prevent sunstroke or, at the other end of the temperature scale, to keep frostbite from removing ears and noses. When status and rank became more important, headwear indicated who was thought important. Later, it became the means of concealing hair loss. Even in the earliest centuries, men have always been embarrassed when their hair thinned and dropped out. Not all societies venerate age. This can make it important to conceal balding as one of the symptoms of aging.

The problem, as always, is to decide whether the means of concealment make the hair loss worse. Modern experts will tell you wearing any type of hat does not damage your head. Yet there's considerable mythology from the military where uncaring sergeants make the recruits wear those terrible helmets. This is not to suggests previous wearers were infecting the newbies with hair-eating fungus, but to suggest that many volunteers are entering the military at a time when early hair loss might start. In practical terms, there's no connection between what you wear on your head and the decision made by your genes to start your hair thinning and dropping out.

With this general reassurance ringing in your ears, if you absolutely feel you must cover up hair loss as it starts, it's probably better to wear a hat that does not pull at your hair as you put it on and take it off. Propecia is reliable in almost all cases of Androgenetic Alopecia. As soon as the hair loss has slowed and you grow more confident about your appearance, you can wear the hat less often. As to the Propecia, you have to keep taking that.

Levitra and the slowing of research

Living in a world which is predominantly capitalist may be good for some things but it's very bad for blue sky research. In the good old days, universities and dedicated amateurs would work tirelessly to explore the unexplored. Why? Because that was their passion. There was no direct financial motive. They simply wanted to know more. As a result, we now have a vast number of different medical procedures and drugs "freely" available to the world. Put another way, even if the developers had patented their research into the use of X-ray technology or penicillin, the patents would have expired long ago and we would all be enjoying the benefits without having to pay any royalties. But modern universities have been commercialized. They are now expected to pay their way by commercializing their research. Everything must now be developed for exploitation. Intellectual property rights are put in place sooner rather than later. All other research is discouraged. And we're the poorer for it. Nowhere is this trend more obvious than in the medical field.

Even though it's clear that bacteria are developing immunity to most of the antibiotics currently available, there's no real research into developing the next lines of defense. The world of sexual medicine is a classic example of what can go wrong when profit takes over. Before the PDE5 inhibitors like Levitra came along, there was a major effort to understand human sexuality and to develop new treatments. The arrival of the little blue pills put a stop to that. As far as the manufacturers were concerned, they had ensured their profitability for the next twenty years and there was no need to develop any more treatments. This means there's little or no research into loss of libido, failure to ejaculate, and poor sperm counts and infertility in both men and women. With men's problems of erectile dysfunction solved, everything else was considered irrelevant to future profits. So if you're a man with erectile dysfunction problems, you can celebrate the arrival of Levitra because you're now cured. Everyone else is on the waiting list.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Propecia and Confronting your Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness or MPB is a specific treatable type of baldness that affects over 50% of the male population in the US. For the very unlucky, it begins as early as puberty. For most men sufferers, it becomes more apparent in their late twenties to early thirties. For men approaching their forties, the thinning at the crown of the head can set off a host of emotions surrounding the loss of youth.

Today, forty is the new thirty, and more and more men are judged by their appearance as much as women. If you are going bald you give the impression you are older, slower, less sexy... tired. Going to the gym, keeping tone and sporting a six pack does not have the same appeal unless you can afford to drape your sculpted muscle in Armani like Pitbull.

If you don't have that kind of bravado what do you do? You know your thinning hair is costing more than just a date. Pretty people make on average 6% more in their paycheck than not so pretty people doing the same job do. If you don't want to start to feel tired, less competitive, and want to be on the top of the food chain at work, it might be time to talk to you doctor about using Propecia (generic name Finasteride).

Finasteride works best if you start it as soon as you begin to see your hair thinning. Androgenic hormones cause MPB, specifically DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). As DHT production increases, making the hair follicles on the head thinner and more brittle, until the hair follicles shrink to the point of non-existence. Finasteride inhibits DHT production by blocking the enzyme that combines with testosterone to make DHT. Studies shave shown that as the DHT levels decrease the hair follicles actually get thicker. For areas that are completely bald some hair re-growth does occur. When started early enough Finasteride helps you regain your youthful head of hair, one that you will feel good about running your hands through.

Take your destiny into your own hands. Keep your competitive edge and youthful appearance. Talk to your doctor about whether using Propecia is the right choice for you. If it is, then we can help you shop discretely online for the most competitive prices. We have the most reliable pharmacies hat will ship directly to your door.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to Diet Properly

No matter what age you are, you always want to stay healthy. This is so as the body needs support through the food you eat, the lifestyle you choose to maintain, the amount of exercise you take on and the supplements you choose to take in. All these factors matter significantly and at a certain point you need to put in more effort than you usually are because of age. The body works in a natural way and response naturally too to the patterns of lifestyle you take on. Women need different supplements to reach an ideal physique.

If you are working hard to get to that stage, be accompanied by femnutrition. The team of femnutrition is one that has dedicated their many years of research, improving and innovate their products to help women, lose weight, gain the volume of muscles they have always wanted and last but not least maintain a healthy diet. Most of the women today pay little attention to the diets they got through and end up with a health issue they could have prevented in the first place. This is why you need to assistance of a professional team that knows better what is best for you. Diets are not discouraged but they need to be done properly.

If you are planning a diet, take a look at the offers the team has for you. They come in many options but they are the same in three ways. They increase the metabolic rate of your body allowing you to digest faster. This helps you do more with no matter how much you east. It burns the fat in your body faster than any other product allowing you to lose fat progressively with no side effects. The last but not least is the help of cutting out your appetite. If you want result, this is where you go.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Healing Eating Disorder Permanently

When a person is suffering from eating disorders, she is surely ruining her life because eating disorders give bad effects not only to physical condition but also to psychological and emotional conditions. As you might have known, an eating disorder sufferer usually will have weak body due to the facts that her body does not receive sufficient nutrition. Because of her weak body, an eating disorder sufferer tends to have unstable emotion. If eating disorder occurs for a long time, the eating disorder can lead to a really bad condition; that is death. Thus, if your loved one happens to be an eating disorder sufferer, you had better help her to heal the disorder.

To heal eating disorder permanently, your loved one needs to receive the most suitable treatment. For this purpose, you should know the type of the eating disorder because eating disorder has some different types. As if your loved one is suffering from compulsive eating disorder, she should attend a rehabilitation treatment center that treats this type of eating disorder. This is really crucial to consider because different eating disorder needs different rehabilitation treatment. If you are able to refer your loved one to the most suitable eating disorder treatment center, you will likely be able to see your loved one reclaiming her happy life back.

To find the most suitable eating disorder treatment, you certainly have to carry out a research. You should do this because different treatment center has different quality. Even though there are many options, it does not mean that all options are good. If you do a research, you will be able to figure out the most suitable eating disorder treatment center. In conclusion, healing eating disorder permanently is possible as long as you can find the most suitable treatment center. Therefore you had better now do a research to find the most suitable treatment center for your loved one.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Natural Asthma Remedies You Can Use at Home

There are many things you can do at home to help control your asthma. You should never treat asthma without the advice of a medical professional as asthma can be serious, even fatal. However, it is possible to use many home remedies to improve your comfort level, ease your symptoms and reduce the frequency of your asthma attacks.

The best way to improve your asthma symptoms or lessen the occurrence of asthma attacks is to understand asthma as much as possible. The better you understand what triggers your asthma, the more capable you will feel about controlling your asthma symptoms. Triggers such as dust particles, chemical pollutants and fumes, allergens and cigarette smoke can cause asthma.

Some people experience asthma when they exercise or when they breathe in cold air. Keeping a journal of your asthma attacks and what triggered them can show you a pattern of what causes you to experience asthma symptoms. Show the journal to your doctor so triggers can be identified. Once identified you can try to avoid what triggers your asthma or lessen your exposure to what triggers your attacks. This can be difficult to do at work but easier at home where you are more in control over the environment.

Once identified you can remove triggers from your home, triggers such as pet dander, cigarette smoke, and dust are usually easy to remove. You should also stop using harsh chemicals when cleaning if this triggers an asthma attack.

Home Remedies:

If your lungs are congested with mucus try improving your symptoms by taking a hot, steamy shower or sitting in a sauna.

Many people have found honey to be beneficial in relieving an asthma attack. When experiencing symptoms such as chest tightness or coughing, open a jar of honey and breathe deeply over the opening. You can also mix 1 teaspoon of honey in a full glass of water and drink this mixture 3 times a day as a home remedy for asthma related symptoms.

Another known home remedy for asthma is to boil garlic cloves in thirty grams of milk and drink it 3 times a day. You can also put minced garlic cloves in a steaming cup of ginger tea and drink this mixture once in the morning and once in the evening.

People have also found drinking a glass of milk 2 to 3 times a day containing one teaspoon of turmeric powder relieves asthma symptoms

Chest rubs have been used for centuries to relieve coughing and chest congestion, the same can benefit an asthma attack when mustard oil and camphor is mixed together and massaged over the back of the chest.

Another simple but effective asthma home remedy is to boil water mixed with caraway seeds and breathe in the steam created by the boiling water.

Mixing radish, honey and lemon juice in a blender until well blended and then cook in a small pan over low heat for 20 minutes can make another home remedy for asthma. This mixture should be cooled and then the person with the asthma should take a teaspoonful each morning.

Lifestyle changes such as spending time in fresh air and sunshine on a daily basis, living in a dust-free environment free of any triggers such as pet dander, chemical pollutants and cigarette smoke can lead to less frequent asthma symptoms. It is also important to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day because staying well hydrated can help thin out or loosen mucus.

Using home remedies are a cost-effective way to help control and combat asthma symptoms. It is vital asthma is recognized as a serious condition and that signs and symptoms of asthma not ignored. If treatment does not relieve the symptoms and the signs of asthma worsen, you should always seek emergency medical help immediately.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ten Raw Foods and Drinks That Help Treat Asthma

One of the most common disease that affect people from all ages is asthma. Asthma basically targets the air passages which are responsible for bringing oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the lungs. When asthma attacks, the interior walls of these airways become swollen, thus, making it hard for a person to breathe. This swelling or inflammation is more likely caused by free radicals and allergens that a person may have inhaled.

Asthma can cause serious discomfort. If you have asthma, you will know how difficult it is to deal with this kind of recurring respiratory disease. The worst thing about asthma is that is not completely curable. This means that once you have been diagnosed with this disease, it can accompany you through your whole life. Though asthma cannot be fully treated, you can do many ways to manage it.

There are many preventive measures that you can do in order to lessen asthma attacks. One of these measures is to have a balanced, healthy diet. The good thing is that there are various kinds of foods that can help you with your asthma problem. If you want to fight asthma, then you better add these raw foods and drinks that help treat asthma to your daily meal:

   1. Honey is one of the greatest foods that you can find out there. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that can help boost your health. Honey is also rich in anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial contents which help ward off those allergens that may be causing the asthma attacks.

   2. Garlic, onion and ginger are common household spices which are nutritionally rich. It is widely used as an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory agent. To reduce the occurrence of asthma attacks and other respiratory diseases, you should add garlic to your food recipes or eat it as is if you can take its raw taste.

   3. Fish has plenty of natural oils such as Omega-3 fatty acids. This kind of oil is healthy and is a great anti-inflammatory agent. Consuming right amount of Omega-3 is good for the health, especially for the heart.

   4. Fruits are delicious and highly nutritious. When you eat fruits, not only can you lessen asthma attacks, but you are making your body a whole lot healthier. If you are asthmatic, consider consuming lots of fruits, especially those rich in Vitamin C.

   5. Green leafy vegetables can do your body good. The vitamins and minerals that you can get from eating this type of vegetable can help in regulating the flow of circulatory and respiratory systems. It also reduces inflammation caused by asthma attacks.

   6. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene which is one kind of antioxidant that helps protect the body from free radicals. This beta-carotene, when converted to Vitamin A can also supply the body with benefits such as good eyesight.

   7. Grains, beans and nuts contain a high magnesium levels which is a necessary element that helps lighten up asthmatic condition. So if you have asthma, maintain a high level of magnesium to help ward off severe attacks. Also remember that foods which undergo minimal process have high level of magnesium than processed foods.

   8. Fresh green tea contains natural compounds that help improve different organs of the body. It works by widening the different passages in the body such as arteries, veins and even the airways. It has been widely used in calming asthma attacks.

   9. Coffee can help in calming a person having an asthma attack. Although caffeine is not seen to be beneficial, it has a similar effect as the medical prescriptions taken by asthmatics.

  10. Water keeps the body fluids flowing. It helps flush away dirt inside the body and lightens up mucus that block the airways. Remember to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated.

The best way to fight asthma is to keep your body at the best condition possible. If you consume these anti-asthma raw food and drinks, you can expect less asthma attacks and a more vigorous, healthier body.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How To Stop Wheezing Naturally

This article is about how to stop wheezing naturally and effectively without the use of medication and drugs. More and more people are turning towards more natural means of treating ailments. The side effects of medication and drugs can have detrimental effects which in the long term can actually contribute to more health problems.

Wheezing is defined as the harsh, raspy sound made when breathing is restricted due to narrowing or constriction of the airways. This symptom is normally associated with respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. If you suffer from any of these conditions then you will be well acquainted with the sound and feel of wheezing.

Here are a couple of methods that are used to treat wheezing naturally. Some are old remedies and some are more recent techniques and methods.

1. Natural ingredients include honey, cinnamon powder and fresh ginger which can be taken as a drink or herbal concoction. You can easily find these remedies in health food stores.

2. Arachidonic acid is found in certain foods, such as egg yolks, shellfish, and meat. Eating less of these foods is thought to decrease inflammation and asthma symptoms as well as to treat any allergic reactions.

3. Ayurvedic herbs such as Boswellia are meant to decrease inflammation and aid in decreasing irritation in the airways. This is no a common herb but can be found in herbal medicine stores and normally prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners.

4. Alexander breathing technique to help improve posture and open up the airways. This breathing technique is becoming more and more popular as Western medicine is identifying with the link between posture and breathing.

5. Buteyko breathing technique which consists of shallow breathing exercises that are designed to help people with asthma breathe easier. This technique works on the principle of reducing the amount of oxygen dependence in the body and resetting the carbon dioxide response level. In essence this method is of the belief that the body takes in too much oxygen and this is the cause of many breathing problems.

6. The Bowen Technique is one of the most effective methods of treating wheezing. It is an extremely gentle and simple technique that can be learnt to treat and cure your wheezing naturally.

One of the most important things to bear in mind when deciding which natural remedy to try is how the remedy works to cure wheezing. To really stop your wheezing you need to treat the cause of the wheezing which in some cases is due to asthma.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Alternative Treatment for Asthma

What is asthma?

Asthma is a medical condition that affects many people worldwide. When inflammation in the airway (bronchial tubes) becomes inflamed, it can lead to difficulty breathing. Air is taken in, but because of the production of mucus and swelling in the airway tubes, it is difficult to release the air back out. Many triggers can bring on an asthmatic episode such as: over exertion, cigarette smoke, dust, and many times, allergies. When they are inhaled by an asthmatic these problematic conditions may occur. Some symptoms that could develop are: tightness in the chest, a wheezing or whistling sound when breathing, coughing, or tightness in the chest.

The most important measure that can be done to prevent flare-ups is to avoid the triggers. Many take controller medications on a daily basis to help ward off these problematic episodes. It is necessary to take these medications even when there are no signs or symptoms present. These might include inhalers or pills. Once the asthma has developed into a breathing problem, a stronger type of medication is given to the individual usually by way of a nebulizer. Steroids are taken in by inhaling through a mask to dilate the airways and help to alleviate the breathing problem and allowing oxygen into the patient's airway more easily. If the patient is not improving after this type of treatment they may need to seek emergency assistance quickly.

What are some alternative treatments for asthma?

There are many alternatives for those afflicted with asthma. Some people have the desire to use measures such as herbs and vitamins. They are turning towards a more natural approach to treat the disease rather than the use of steroids and medications with dangerous side effects. Some of those may include vitamin C, ding-chan tang (DCT), or Ma Huang (ephedra.) The United States Food Administration has banned the use of Ephedra in recent years. Yoga is used regularly as a form of controlling breathing by many. By controlled breathing, close attention is paid to the inhalation and exhalation process to ensure that sufficient amounts of oxygen are delivered to the lungs.

Many are seeking acupuncture treatment as a form of treatment. It is not clear how much impact it has on the treatment of asthma but many do believe it produces positive results. Relaxation techniques are being utilized as a way to decrease anxiety, which can trigger an episode of asthma. When changing treatments, it is important, to let the health care professional know because there can be an interaction to certain medications with the use of vitamins and herbs. If a blood thinner is being taken, it is important not to take Gingko biloba-- although it has proven to decrease inflammation in the airway--it also works as a blood thinner. Liquorice root is often used to settle inflammation, but it can elevate blood pressure. Research is important when opting for these types of treatment. Look for scientific backing and speak with the pharmacist or physician about possible interactions with medications you are taking.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Asthma - Signs, Symptoms and Risk Factors

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung condition. It can affect you at any age but most commonly develops at childhood. When asthma occurs, the airways in your lungs are narrowed down which unfortunately, limits the airflow to your lungs. The narrowing of the airways is caused by inflamed and swelled-up airway lining and is what causes the drastic effects of asthma.

Asthma has many easy to spot symptoms that may start appearing from the early years of childhood. They are well known and can show up in pretty much anyone. These symptoms usually include:

• Wheezing
• Coughing
• Shortness of breath
• Dry coughs

The actual cause of asthma is unknown but there are certain things we know that may increase the risk of asthma. These may include:

• If you have a parent with asthma, this may increase your risks of asthma itself.
• Exposure to certain environments
• Air pollution
• Obesity

There are various treatment options for asthma that usually depends on the severity of the condition. They include:

• Inhaled corticosteroids
• Long-acting beta agonists
• Combination inhalers
• Ipratropium
• Theophylline
• Leukotriene modifiers

Asthma is usually very common in children under the age of 5. If it is not treated from its early stages, children can be limited to all the fun they deserve I their childhood. There are signs you can look for in your children that may be symptoms of asthma. Usually, symptoms start to appear before the child reaches the age of 5 but there have been cases that have proved otherwise. Symptoms may include:

• Wheezing
• Frequent coughing
• Shortness of breath
• Tightness or pain in the chest area
• Laboured breathing
• Re-occurring headaches
• Loss of appetite

If your child ever experiences any of these symptoms, take them to your doctor as soon as possible as the symptoms tend to get worse over time. The doctor will create what's called an asthma action plan. The doctor will prescribe some medications to help decrease the symptoms.

There are many risk factors that can increase the chances of a child getting asthma. Some are listed here but these are not the only risk factors you have to take into consideration. Some of these risk factors may include:

• Exposure to allergens such as air pollution, dust and second-hand smoke
• Family history of asthma or allergies
• Low birth weight
• Exposure to smoke
• Parents who smoke
• Series of lung infections

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ten Symptoms of Asthma You Need To Know

Asthma is one of those very common conditions that almost everyone has heard of, or knows of somebody who is affected. Asthma can affect everyone - male or female, young or old - and it is a devastating condition which, in its worst form, can prove fatal. In fact, asthma is a disease which is described as being a chronic disease of the lungs which become inflamed and thus breathing becomes increasingly difficult. During an asthma attack the respiratory tract may become blocked or obstructed causing inflammation; and thus hyper responsiveness occurs.

The symptoms of asthma are very similar to those of general respiratory tract infections, bronchitis and emphysema and are therefore often overlooked by doctors when trying to make a diagnosis. It is, therefore, extremely important to tell your doctor if you suffer from any of the following 9 symptoms, so that a correct diagnosis - and thus correct treatment - can be made.

Asthma Symptoms

• Wheezing is one of the most important symptoms in making a diagnosis of asthma, as this whistling sound indicates that the bronchi may be blocked or inflamed.

• Pursed lips and flared nostrils also differentiate asthma from the more common respiratory tract infections, in that these two symptoms indicate the great difficulty the patient is having in trying to get air into their lungs.

• A greyish or bluish tinge to the patient's lips and/or finger nails indicates a lack of oxygen - known as cyanosis - which is another indication of how serious the breathing problem is.

• The need to be seated in an upright position during an attack is another indication of asthma, as in such a position the lungs are not compressed, thus giving them a larger overall area to absorb the scarce amounts of oxygen being able to be drawn into the lungs.

• Perspiring or sweating indicates the huge amount of difficulty and exertion the patient has to put into getting air some at least some air into his or her lungs.

• A rapid pulse rate is a symptom of asthma, again caused by the exertion of breathing, but this is not a symptom of more common respiratory tract infections.

• Having a persistent cough could be a symptom of many diseases or disorders of the respiratory tract, but when combined with all the other symptoms of asthma, it is one of the known pointers.

• The feeling of tightness across the chest area is another symptom which could relate to all kinds of respiratory tract infections but, again, when linked to all the other asthma symptoms, helps to pull the diagnosis together.

• Clearly, difficulty in breathing is one of the clearest indications of asthma, but it is another symptom with widespread connotations.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Facts About Asthma

It seems that these days more and more kids are discovering that they have asthma. For some it is allergy related and for others it may be environmental or hereditary. While in our current society we seem to act as if difficulty breathing is normal, the truth is that it isn't. Everyone should be able to breathe and if they can't there are probably some significant reasons for this difficulty.

Many doctors believe that it is because many children are not given the opportunity to develop fully, and that maybe the timetable that Obstetricians are using to figure out when babies should be born may be off either because the amount of time that it takes a fetus to develop is increasing or because there are so many babies being taken out before they are truly full term. Of course, being that the lungs are one of the final organs to develop this could be a major contributing factor to the increase in asthma in children.

Many factors exist that can add to breathing issues in the young and we ought to be careful not to fail to notice troubles with the atmosphere, problems with cigarette smoke and other pollutants in the atmosphere, in addition to all the other irritants we are exposed to daily. There are even persons who think that the augment in instances of asthma may be due to partially the prenatal examinations performed habitually on the fetus.

A food allergy can also cause asthma flare-ups. Additionally allergens in the air can stop a person from inhalation and leave them out of breath. This can be an extremely scary experience for both kids as well as adults. When a person cannot inhale or exhale it only takes a small number of minutes prior to their color change and they faint which is the reason it is so significant to recognize an asthma attack in the early hours and to bring life-saving medication around with you as backup.

Asthma is considered a very common condition these days and while there are instances of individuals dying from asthma for the most part by using cortico-steroids and a rescue inhaler most people can live a relatively normal life. This does not mean that we should consider not having the ability to breathe freely as a normal facet of life. Everyone should be able to breathe freely and if there are things you can do to avoid those issues that cause asthma flare-ups then that is definitely a better way to manage your asthma.

Monday, February 20, 2012

All About Asthma - Introduction and Info on Asthma


Asthma affects more than 5 million people in the United Kingdom and for the majority it is a disease that can be well managed with readily available current therapies. Sadly, in the region of 1,500 patients continue to die from their asthma every year. As well as those patients that suffer a fatal asthma attack (FA), there is a cohort of patients that have suffered from a near fatal asthma attack and are subsequently at higher risk of morbidity and mortality. near fatal asthma attack is defined by the British Thoracic Society (BTS) as an asthma attack associated with a raised PaCO2 and/or requiring mechanical ventilation with raised inflation pressures.Patients with fatal asthma have been hypothesised as representing two distinct subgroups according to the onset of symptoms prior to death. One of the scientist examined the autopsy findings of 37 subjects aged 2 to 34 years dying from asthma and classified them as slow onset (Type 1) (n=21) or rapid onset (Type 2) (n=16). Subjects did not differ by age, race, sex, obesity or use of corticosteroids. Type 1 mortalities were hospitalised more and made more emergency room visits in the year prior to death than type 2 mortalities. Slow onset patients had a predominance of eosinophils and basement membrane thickening along with higher health care utilisation.

Incidence and prevalence of fatal and near fatal asthma

Specific data on FA and near fatal asthma attack in the UK are hampered by the lack of a fatal asthma registry. Two studies have attempted to circumvent this problem in different fashions. Harrison et attempted to analyse all asthma deaths in the Eastern region between 2001 and 2003 by means of a confidential enquiry and compared it with previous Norwich and East Anglian data. Between 1998 and 2003 there was a downward trend in the asthma mortality rate. Misclassification on the death certificate was common. Only 57 of 95 notified deaths (60%) were confirmed as asthma deaths. 311 asthma deaths were studied between 1998 and 2003. In 2001-3 the male: female ratio was 3:2. 53% of patients had severe asthma and 21% moderately severe disease. In 19 cases (33%) at least one significant co-morbid disease was present. Monthly death rates peaked in August, with a smaller peak in April, suggesting a seasonal allergic cause. In 11 cases (20%), mostly males aged under 20, the final attack was sudden and 10/11 occurred between April and August. Therefore in 80% of deaths the final attack was not sudden, and may have been preventable. In 81% of cases there was significant behavioural and/or psychosocial factors such as poor compliance (61%), smoking (46%), denial (37%), depression (20%) and alcohol abuse (20%). The overall medical care was appropriate in only 33% of cases, leading the authors to conclude that 'at-risk' registers in primary care may improve recognition and management of 'at-risk' patients. Watson et analysed data from the CHKS database, which provides data on 70% of inpatient coverage in the UK. Between 2000-2005 the mortality rate was 1063 patients from 250,043 asthma admissions. December and January had the peak number of deaths post asthma admission, which were nearly all in adults. Women and those over 45 years had the highest rate of death. These 2 studies demonstrate that in the UK there is a peak in asthma deaths in young people (aged up to 44 years) in July and August and in December and January in older people.

Risk factors associated with fatal and near fatal asthma

A systematic review of the risk factors associated with near fatal asthma attack and FA has been performed by Alvarez et. Increased use of beta-agonists, oral steroids, theophylline and a history of hospital and/or ICU admissions and mechanical ventilation due to asthma were predictors of near fatal asthma attack and FA. The use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) demonstrated a trend toward a protective effect against FA. Poor compliance with prescribed medication is a key issue; approximately 60% of patients that die from asthma demonstrate evidence of poor compliance to medication, in particular to ICS. Severe asthma and FA may also be associated with fungal sensitization. Many airborne fungi are involved including species of Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Penicillium, and exposure may be indoors, outdoors or both. Prevention of fatal and near fatal asthma What can be done to prevent FA and near fatal asthma attack attacks? The majority of severe asthma attacks develop relatively slowly with more than 80% developing over greater than 48 hours. There are many similarities between patients with FA, near fatal asthma attack and control patients with asthma that are admitted to hospital, indicating that better management of high risk patients including early intervention has the capacity to prevent asthma deaths. Improving patient compliance is of key importance in preventing FA and near fatal asthma attack, but this is never easy in clinical practice. Effective measures to improve compliance include patient-directed consultations and addressing patients' fears of ICS side effects. It is critical that patients do not use long acting bronchodilators (LABA) in the absence of ICS; pragmatically this is best achieved, in those patients who need both drugs, by prescribing combination ICS/LABA inhalers, thus guaranteeing ICS delivery to the patient.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Asthma and Asthma Action Plan

Asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs, which is usually triggered by pollens, molds, dust, animal dander, air pollution, chemicals, exercise, temperature changes or ingestion of certain foods. During an asthma attack the walls of the lungs turn out to be swollen and the mucus membranes fill with fluid and thick, sticky mucus making it hard to breathe. Asthma symptoms can include a scratchy throat, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and a tight feeling in the chest. An asthma attack can be mild, moderate or severe and lasting for a few minutes, hours, or even several days. People with asthma should have an asthma action plan. An asthma action plan lets you and your doctor to make a personalized plan for controlling your asthma.

The main key to understanding and controlling asthma is to know yourself. One person might get a severe asthma reaction from a minor whiff of perfume, whilst another asthma sufferer has no reaction at all to the very similar trigger. Everybody who suffers from asthma is unique and is affected differently so the asthma action plan should be tailored plan which helps you manage your asthma.

Knowing when to get emergency help for a severe attack can save your life. If you are experiencing the following, you should look for immediate medical attention:

you have intense difficulty breathing, talking and walking,
your chest feels tight and your ribs are pulled inward as you breathe,
your medication does not control your symptoms
your fingernails or lips are turning blue,
your nostrils flare when you breathe

Very often things that we have eaten, used or are a part of our surroundings for years can unexpectedly become asthma triggers. Because there are so many variables involved that affect getting control of your asthma, the first thing you should do is keep a notebook as a part of your asthma action plan. This will help you identify your triggers. Once you recognize what they are, you can either take away these triggers or reduce them as much as possible.

Some people have both food and environmental triggers or allergies that they are unaware of. This can make determining specific triggers and controlling asthma symptoms much more complex, so keeping a notebook as a part of your asthma action plan is important. If you find that you are feeling asthmatic after consuming some food or drink, one of those stuff could be the culprit, but because you have also eaten quite a few things during the day, it's not always easy to know precisely what it was that caused the difficulty. If you evidence details of everything that was eaten every time you experienced asthma symptoms, you'll see a pattern developing, which will help you to discover exactly what your trigger is. Once you determine your triggers, you can then begin to eliminate them or reduce them as much as possible. This will help bring your asthma under control and help lessen your asthma symptoms.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Childhood ADHD Causes Can Be Due to Maternal Health Status

There are many environmental risk factors for childhood ADHD. If you've seen our article archive, the onset of ADHD involves a complex combination of genetics, diet, lifestyle, and the physical environment. A new study suggests another factor that can predict ADHD in a child - the health status of the mother.

The study, which was published in the journal Medical Care, looked at records from a database of Northern California residences. The researchers divided the mothers into three groups - mothers of children diagnosed with ADHD, mothers of children who do not have ADHD, and mothers of asthmatic children. The researchers then compared the medical history, use of health care, and costs of health care across the three groups.

The data showed that mothers with children who have ADHD are more likely to have health conditions like anxiety disorder and depression, and were more likely to make use of health services a year before or after giving birth than mothers whose children have no ADHD or have asthma. The mothers of ADHD children also spent more money on health care the year before or after giving birth compared to those whose children do not have ADHD or have asthma.

This was not the first study to confirm the link between maternal health and the risk of childhood ADHD. A study published in a 1985 issue of the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry discovered that risk factors for ADHD included poor maternal health during pregnancy, previous miscarriage, first pregnancy, premature birth, long labor, and young maternal age.

Of course, the state of the mother's health is no guarantee that her child will suffer from ADHD or its related disorders. As mentioned earlier, a host of environmental factors contribute to the symptoms, which leads to the ADHD diagnosis. What's useful about studies like this one is that it allows you to take preventive measures if you recognize these risk factors fear that your child is a candidate for ADHD.

What are these preventive measures? For starters, there is evidence that breastfeeding an infant will reduce the risk of ADHD, as compared to using infant formula. Human breast milk is rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are needed to form the physical structure of the brain. Of course, this is assuming that the mother has enough omega-3 fats in the body to meet the infant's dietary requirements. If you are breastfeeding, make sure to take around 2,000mg of fish oil supplements rich in the omega-3 fat DHA.

Diet is especially important in the prevention and management of ADHD. Most children with the disorder have a preference for fatty, salty food with zero nutritional value. As a result, they end up being deficient in key nutrients required for proper brain functioning. The great thing about young children is that their food preferences are easily influenced; teach your children to eat vegetables, fish, and cooked food and minimize the availability of junk food and fast food.

Finally, try to buy organic food when possible. Recent studies confirm that children are vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables, and that kids with ADHD have higher pesticide levels in the body than those who do not. Simply buying organic versions of the twelve most contaminated fruits and vegetables is enough to reduce your children's exposure to these harmful chemicals.

Prenatal Massage For Pain Relief During Pregnancy

While pregnant you'll suffer many different types of discomfort since the infant will grow. I am not aiming to discourage anyone this is the fact. As the body alters plus your baby grows as well as stretches one's body you will experience some pain. It will be possible you will definitely get cramps, head aches, nausea or vomiting, swelling, round ligament pain and lower lumbar pain.

There are several varieties of pain alleviation readily available which includes medications, acupuncture and meditating, however i need to share with you prenatal massages as well as the benefits they have got above the other forms.

1. Prenatal Massages are usually pricey in the event that every time you would like one you must book a scheduled visit, however are quite simple to learn at home and you don't need professional tools to carry it out. Make sure you discover the appropriate techniques though as there are particular areas on a woman's body that should not have force applied to while pregnant.

2. Your spouse is capable of doing the actual pregnancy massage techniques for you; it will also give them a chance to feel included in the pregnancy. It is additionally an excellent way for the father to bond with the unborn baby, in addition to allow them to go through the full carrying a child experience with you.

3. Prenatal Massages have already been recognized to ease back pain something you will most certainly experience. A great soothing pregnancy massage will also allow you to chill out following ` stressful day. A massage therapy along with a warm bath has an even greater effect on you.

4. Headaches and nausea or vomiting are something else that a gentle therapeutic massage can help you with. If you are going to try a head massage you may use a few fragrant herbal oils but make sure that they are harmless for expectant women first. If uncertain merely ask a sales person from the shop or examine the content label diligently.

5. Remember if you are intending to try home pregnancy massages you must do some research and learn the correct pregnancy massage techniques. You have got to realize which posture you should be laying in to as you will not be able to lay on the tummy just like you would in a typical massage.

As we discussed there are plenty of advantages of massage while pregnant and it can certainly be a advantageous exercise. It is shrewd though that before commencing any kind of pain alleviation even pregnancy massage just speak with your doctor to ensure that it's safe to do with your specific circumstance. And if you do experience anything wrong while conducting a massage you ought to stop instantly as well as seek help from a doctor

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Different Types Of Breathing Disorders

There are a lot of breathing disorders that people can suffer from. Some of these breathing problems can be caused by smoking. One of those disorders is emphysema. This disease is primarily caused by smoking and can cause shortness of breath in people who suffer from this disorder. The cigarette smoke can cause the alveolar sacs in the lungs to become damaged, which means they cannot function properly. These sacs are where the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur. Since there is trouble with the transfer of carbon dioxide, it makes it harder to breath, which is where the shortness of breath comes from. Carbon dioxide is a waste product, and if it is not expelled from the blood then it can cause some problems to whoever suffers from this disorder.

Another breathing disorder that smokers can suffer from is chronic bronchitis. There is another form of bronchitis, which is acute bronchitis. This disorder is not usually seen in smokers, because it is usually caused by a virus. Chronic bronchitis happens to smokers because they are constantly abusing their lungs, so it makes it difficult for the lungs to heal. The best way to treat this disorder is simply to quit smoking so that your lungs can heal. Some of the symptoms of chronic bronchitis is coughing accompanies by mucus, shortness of breath and sometimes fever, chest pains and fatigue. If you feel that you are suffering from either form of bronchitis it would be a good idea to go to a doctor and get checked out so you can treat it properly.

One of the breathing disorders that non-smokers suffer from is asthma. Sometimes this disorder can be caused by the environment. For example, if you are someone who does not respond well to dust in the air, you can get an asthma attack from dusty surroundings. The same can be said about people who have problems with animal hair. Other people can have asthma problems due to genetics. Some of the people who have problems with asthma will use an inhaler when they have asthma attacks, and also before an asthma attack in order to prevent them from happening. Some of the symptoms of asthma is coughing, wheezing and having a hard time breathing. This breathing disorder is decently common around the world.

One more breathing disorder worth noting is rhinitis. This is more commonly known as a stuffy nose. Some people may find it surprising that this is classified as a breathing disorder, but it does impede people's ability to breath. A reason why sufferers have a hard time breathing with this disorder is because of nasal inflammation. The airways in the nasal cavity become constricted, which makes it harder to breath. This can cause forced breathing, which is very annoying. This disorder can be caused by a virus, bacteria, allergens, or it can even be hormonal. It is difficult to treat because there are so many causes that rhinitis can be from. If you suffer from any of the breathing disorders, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bronchiectasis: Relief can be Found the natural way

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Social Life

Alcohol addiction treatment helps thousands of alcoholics make lasting recoveries every year. Rehab clinics across the United States employ proven methods based on recent discoveries in neuroscience and psychology in their alcohol addiction treatment programs. However, long-term sobriety takes hard work and sacrifice from addicts.

All addicts must make many lifestyle changes once they leave their treatment facilities and rejoin society. For alcoholics, these changes often involve compromising the social lives they once led. Alcohol is the social drug of choice in this country, but alcoholics must still avoid heavy drinking environments to stay sober. The following are some of the ways in which alcohol addiction treatment impacts alcoholics' social lives.

Inpatient Rehab Programs

Addicts with severe physical dependencies on drugs or alcohol typically attend inpatient programs. These treatment plans require patients to live at their clinics for thirty to ninety days, during which time they receive fifty or more hours of intensive therapies per week.

Inpatient rehab is the most effective method for producing rapid but long-lasting lifestyle changes. However, taking a month or more to live an isolated life at a treatment facility puts addicts out of touch with their friends. This process alone may lead to compromised social lives, especially in cases where patients have already alienated their friends with their addictive behaviors.

Friends Who Drink

Since alcohol is both legal and socially acceptable, most adults drink casually at special events, family gatherings, and friendly outings. While most people may be able to drink in moderation, most alcoholics cannot. Recovering addicts may have to decline social invitations involving alcohol, and they may even have to find new friends who never drink.

Alcohol and Work Environments

Drinking and even drunkenness are expected in many work environments. Business people often use alcohol as they network with partners and potential clients, and drinking is often part of the processes of recruiting and hiring. Alcoholics with high-powered careers may have to avoid these environments by relinquishing certain responsibilities - or by finding new jobs altogether.

Alcoholic Friends

Most people who go through alcohol addiction treatment still have friends who drink excessively and uncontrollably. To avoid addiction triggers and stay sober, it is usually necessary for recovering alcoholics to cut ties with these friends altogether. This is one of the most painful parts of rehabilitation for many addicts, but it can be crucial for long-term sobriety. Thankfully, most rehab clinics help alcoholics and other addicts make new friends and repair old relationships.

Coping Strategies

Most of the ways addicts manage their drug cravings involve either avoidance or coping strategies. Avoidance works very well for people addicted to heroin, cocaine, and other illegal narcotics. However, it is almost impossible for recovering alcoholics to avoid all situations involve alcohol - it is too widely used. Alcoholics must therefore develop strategies for controlling their temptations to drink when they are around other people who are drinking.

This can be extremely difficult, but it can be accomplished. During individual counseling sessions in rehab, alcoholics discover the thoughts and emotions which most often lead them to drink. Armed with this knowledge, they develop personalized methods for managing their cravings.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction to alcohol or other drugs, click the links below to find a treatment center near you. Alcohol addiction treatment programs help thousands of people take back control of their lives each year, and they can help you, too.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Please diagnose me

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A medically proven antioxidant which fights against cancer

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Asthma Products Help Prevent Asthma Attacks

Asthma is a condition that is difficult to deal with. It is not a fatal condition, but people who have asthma have to use several methods to control their symptoms. Asthma is often caused by a variety of allergies, and asthma products help to reduce exposure to allergens that trigger attacks. In addition to medication, people with asthma need to arrange their lifestyles to avoid allergens. The good thing is that it is possible to have the right combination of medication and products to control asthma effectively.

Air Filters Remove Allergens From a Home Environment

The air in your home contains many things that trigger asthma attacks. Dust, mold spores, mites, chemical vapors, air pollutants from outdoors, pet dander and air fresheners are just a few of the triggers. When you have asthma, it is important to keep the air in your home as clean as possible. Air purifiers are one type of asthma products that do this. You want to get the best air purifier that you can rather than the cheapest one you can find. Your doctor can recommend types of filters that will work best. HEPA air purifiers are top-rated filters that remove various triggers from the air. They are usually placed in rooms that are occupied most frequently. The size and number of filters needed depends on the size of the home and the rooms in it.

Dehumidifiers Are a Weapon Against Allergen-Producing Molds

Mold spore are the most insidious triggers of asthma attacks. High levels of mold in a home are caused by excessive moisture in the air (humidity). You can't always see mold growth because it tends to hide in air vents, behind washers and driers, and in carpets. Basements have very high humidity and are a breeding ground for mold. Dehumidifiers are asthma products that prevent the growth of mold and mildew. They should be placed in basements, bathrooms and closets to remove moisture from the air and inhibit mold and mildew growth.

Anti-Allergen Sprays Destroy Allergens

Anti-allergen sprays are powerful asthma products that neutralize allergens in any environment. You can't get rid of everything that produces allergens, and you certainly do not want to get rid of your pets even though you're allergic to them and they can trigger attacks. These sprays are non-staining and destroy allergens from dust mites, pet dander, pollens, mold and mildew on contact. They are non-toxic and safe for pets and people.

Other Asthma Products

Masks can be used both indoors and particularly outdoors to prevent allergens from getting into the lungs to trigger asthma attacks. Peak-flow meters are devices that enable you to measure the pressure of your exhalation to see if it is diminishing, which is a sign that your condition is worsening. Peak-flow meters provide early detection so that you can intervene before the asthma becomes worse. There are many products available to lessen allergen exposure and improve the condition of people who suffer from asthma. Using these products can help you lead a normal breathing life.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Can Your Asthma Diet Cause You Asthma???

Every asthmatic person knows how difficult it is to keep up with the strict asthma diet because it simply does not allow you to eat all the fatty processed foods that are not only easy to cook but delicious to eat too. Well, since asthma is a respiratory disease, it is important for asthmatic people and their families to understand its possible triggers that could lead to the swelling of the person's airways causing them to have difficulty breathing. The food that people who have been diagnosed with asthma should be well picked and chosen to ensure that they are healthy and that they will not trigger an asthma attack.
There is no denying that a person's choice of food and drinks speak so much of the kind of lifestyle that they are living. Sadly, those who choose to eat foods that are rich in fat and cholesterol are those who are likely to develop asthma and other respiratory disease or even a heart problem. A person's diet plays a big role in his survival. In an environment where anything can happen, if a person wants to be healthy and live a normal life for a long time, it is important that he eats all the right kinds of foods. An asthmatic person's diet includes all the healthy and nutritious foods like fresh fruits and vegetables.
Did you know that asthma as a respiratory disease is actually a product of the body's allergic reactions to the food intake of the person of the environment he is exposed to? Sadly, unlike other diseases, asthma can lead to the development of more small and big health problems that pile up as a person gets older. What kinds of foods do you eat? Are you allergic to any food or drink? If you do not have an idea of the foods that you may be allergic to, it could cause a lot of trouble for asthmatic people because the moment that they eat foods that they are allergic to, they experience difficulty in breathing and the problem could elevate to something that could be worse or perhaps even fatal.
How much of the food that you are eating is healthy? You might have a hard time answering this just like everybody else because you know that you are not eating as much vegetables or fruits and that all you have been eating are processed foods. No one could blame you considering the working hours that you have to keep and the lack of time to prepare delicious yet healthy meals and you just have to settle with the foods serve in fast food chains. Although this may be true and perhaps even forgivable, this kind of diet is not helping you because you are asthmatic. In fact, the kind of diet you are keeping is filled up with fatty foods and processed meat that is totally not good.
If you want to overcome your asthma or you want to limit the possibility of having attacks, then now is the right time to change your asthma diet. Include all the foods that need to be there like vegetables and fresh fruits and exclude all those that contain fatty acids and cholesterol. When you do this, not only are you saving yourself from asthma but you are saving it from all the other terrible diseases that could put your life in great risk.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Environmental Triggers for Asthma...

Asthma sufferers often find that an important key to improving their asthma symptoms is to reduce or eliminate the asthma triggers found in their environment. There are a number of different environmental triggers for asthma symptoms. Some people react to just one trigger while others find that there are several triggers that make their asthma more severe. It is important to be able to identify these asthma triggers and to learn how to reduce their effects on your life. Here are three of the most common.

1. Secondhand Smoke

Secondhand smoke is one of the worst asthma triggers encountered because of the number of harmful chemicals and air pollutants released in the smoke. According the Environmental Protection Agency, secondhand smoke contains more than 4,000 different compounds, including several agents suspected of contributing to the development of cancer. The compounds in secondhand smoke can trigger episodes of asthma and increase the severity of attacks.

To reduce the effects of secondhand smoke on asthma sufferers, it is important to limit the amount of secondhand smoke in indoor areas. Eliminate smoking indoors and prevent people from smoking around the doors and windows of the building. You should also install a high quality air filter in the HVAC system of the building to trap any smoke particles that enter the building.

2. Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny insects that feed on human skin and live in fabric items in the home, such as couches, pillows, mattresses, clothes, and stuffed toys. Although they are too small to see with the naked eye, they can have a large effect on asthma sufferers. Parts of the dead insects and their droppings can be inhaled by asthma sufferers, triggering an attack and increasing the severity of the symptoms.

The issues caused by dust mites can be reduced by taking a few steps to prevent their levels from becoming too high.

    * Washing bedding and pillows in hot water at least once a week will kill dust mites and remove their droppings from the items.
    * Carpets and furniture should be vacuumed thoroughly every week.
    * You may also want to consider dust proof covers for mattresses, pillows, and furniture items to prevent dust mites from living in them.

3. Mold

Mold is a tiny fungus that lives and feeds on decaying plant and animal matter. Anywhere that moisture is present can be a good environment for mold growth and the molds release tiny spores into the air to reproduce. Pieces of mold and their tiny spores can travel through a building on the air currents, causing asthma attacks and making the suffering more severe.

Controlling the mold in a building can be accomplished by controlling the humidity using the HVAC system of the building and a dehumidifier. All molds seen on hard surfaces should be cleaned up immediately using soap and water or a commercial cleaning product for mold. A high quality air filter can remove particles of mold and mold spores from the air as it travels through the filter, making the building more comfortable for asthma sufferers.

Friday, January 6, 2012

How to Use Portable Oxygen???

Our bodies need oxygen to work well, and sometimes a person needs more oxygen than he or she can get by just breathing the natural air around them. An oxygen system is available to help them breathe with the right amounts of oxygen for their bodies to function better. An oxygen system can be portable making it convenient for travel or moving around inside the home, but the first step to having the oxygen available when needed is to learn how to use a portable oxygen system.

Some systems are light weight and can be carried over the shoulder by a strap, and some are rolled around on a small cart. No matter which system you choose, one of the most important things always to remember is to keep a check on the amount of oxygen left in your tank, which can be done by checking the indicator or pressure gauge. Another thing to check is to make sure that the rate of oxygen is set according to what you have been prescribed by your doctor, as this will determine how much oxygen you will be using. Just turn the valve on the top of the unit until it reads what the doctor prescribed. To start using your unit, just attach a tube to the unit and turn the valve on the top, and then, you will need to place the other end of the tube in your nose with the points of the tube turned up to receive the oxygen flow. The access tubing can be put behind your ears, so that the tubing will not slip. It is a simple and easy procedure to learn how to use your oxygen unit.

There are many safety measures to follow when using oxygen and one safety measure is to keep your oxygen system away from smoke or flames. Another safety measure is to make sure the flow is coming out appropriately by checking that the tubes are not twisted or hindered by any obstacles. It is always good to have your oxygen supplier's number close by in case of an emergency since they will need to be notified before you run out of oxygen or if there is any problems with the tanks. Being safe with oxygen is one of the most important steps in learning how to use a portable oxygen system since oxygen can be dangerous if used incorrectly. It is imperative to our health to have substantial amounts of oxygen, and the oxygen unit's help ensure we have enough oxygen.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Infant Asthma - How To Use An Air Cleaner To Help Your Baby Breathe Easier

Infant asthma, which is a disorder of the immune system, produces an overreaction to a substance that your baby smells, eats, or touches. This substance that causes an allergic reaction can also trigger an asthma attack. Therefore, it is important to monitor your baby carefully and see if there is something in the air that sets off your baby's symptoms. And another tool that can fix it.

One problem with having an ill child is the inability to clearly understand how he or she feels. An infant with asthma cannot come to you in the middle of the night and tell you about difficulty breathing. Instead the condition will continue to worsen while the lungs struggle to expand. At this point your child will feel exhausted.

Asthma is caused by different triggering factors. During this time, the lungs are under attack by many allergens. Because of this, asthmatics usually have severe problems with their environment. The most common triggers are pollution, dust, pollen, and air irritants. To lessen the symptoms and attacks of infant asthma, you can use air cleaner at home or in the nursery.

Air purifiers convert dirty air into fresh, clean air and also free the air from pollutants and contaminants. They are very beneficial for people suffering from allergies and can help alleviate your baby from asthma attacks.

These are the simple steps for using an air cleaner to prevent breathing problems:

Step 1: Test the quality at your home. Environmental studies have revealed that the air inside homes is dirtier than the air outside. People living in congested homes or localities usually live in dirty air. The best way to deal with this problem is to purchase a tester that shows pollen, dander, mold and other possible triggers.

Step 2: Find the right air cleaner. You can also take charge by educating yourself about the condition. Do not waste time worrying if there are better treatments or medications for your child. Find out. Use the medical profession, library and internet to learn about different air cleaners and what they can do for your family. The best prescription is knowledge.

Step 3: Search for an air cleaner to accommodate the size of room. Remember, when considering the expense of buying an allergy relief air purifier, you will need to consider the type of allergen, the size of the room, and the cost of filters. Make sure that you factor this in when you are trying to determine how cost effective the choice is. You should notice huge savings over the year when your child has reduced use of medications to control symptoms. Another option is to purchase an ionic purifier, which does not use filters, thereby giving even greater savings.

Step 4: Monitor your child for improvement. The most common triggers are infections, smoke, dust, pet dander, mold, and pollen. They tend to fill the lungs with foreign particles that your infant's immune system may response to. Once you have fresh air in your home, you can monitor asthma symptoms to see if there is any change in its occurrence. Keep a list so that you can discuss it with your infant's doctor.

Prevention is a very essential part of asthma management. It provides a layer of protection so that your child does not have to suffer unnecessarily with infant asthma. As a parent, you have the power to shield your child from allergens that can set off asthma symptoms. Although these methods seem simple, they can help your child to breathe much easier.