Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Natural Asthma Remedies You Can Use at Home

There are many things you can do at home to help control your asthma. You should never treat asthma without the advice of a medical professional as asthma can be serious, even fatal. However, it is possible to use many home remedies to improve your comfort level, ease your symptoms and reduce the frequency of your asthma attacks.

The best way to improve your asthma symptoms or lessen the occurrence of asthma attacks is to understand asthma as much as possible. The better you understand what triggers your asthma, the more capable you will feel about controlling your asthma symptoms. Triggers such as dust particles, chemical pollutants and fumes, allergens and cigarette smoke can cause asthma.

Some people experience asthma when they exercise or when they breathe in cold air. Keeping a journal of your asthma attacks and what triggered them can show you a pattern of what causes you to experience asthma symptoms. Show the journal to your doctor so triggers can be identified. Once identified you can try to avoid what triggers your asthma or lessen your exposure to what triggers your attacks. This can be difficult to do at work but easier at home where you are more in control over the environment.

Once identified you can remove triggers from your home, triggers such as pet dander, cigarette smoke, and dust are usually easy to remove. You should also stop using harsh chemicals when cleaning if this triggers an asthma attack.

Home Remedies:

If your lungs are congested with mucus try improving your symptoms by taking a hot, steamy shower or sitting in a sauna.

Many people have found honey to be beneficial in relieving an asthma attack. When experiencing symptoms such as chest tightness or coughing, open a jar of honey and breathe deeply over the opening. You can also mix 1 teaspoon of honey in a full glass of water and drink this mixture 3 times a day as a home remedy for asthma related symptoms.

Another known home remedy for asthma is to boil garlic cloves in thirty grams of milk and drink it 3 times a day. You can also put minced garlic cloves in a steaming cup of ginger tea and drink this mixture once in the morning and once in the evening.

People have also found drinking a glass of milk 2 to 3 times a day containing one teaspoon of turmeric powder relieves asthma symptoms

Chest rubs have been used for centuries to relieve coughing and chest congestion, the same can benefit an asthma attack when mustard oil and camphor is mixed together and massaged over the back of the chest.

Another simple but effective asthma home remedy is to boil water mixed with caraway seeds and breathe in the steam created by the boiling water.

Mixing radish, honey and lemon juice in a blender until well blended and then cook in a small pan over low heat for 20 minutes can make another home remedy for asthma. This mixture should be cooled and then the person with the asthma should take a teaspoonful each morning.

Lifestyle changes such as spending time in fresh air and sunshine on a daily basis, living in a dust-free environment free of any triggers such as pet dander, chemical pollutants and cigarette smoke can lead to less frequent asthma symptoms. It is also important to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day because staying well hydrated can help thin out or loosen mucus.

Using home remedies are a cost-effective way to help control and combat asthma symptoms. It is vital asthma is recognized as a serious condition and that signs and symptoms of asthma not ignored. If treatment does not relieve the symptoms and the signs of asthma worsen, you should always seek emergency medical help immediately.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ten Raw Foods and Drinks That Help Treat Asthma

One of the most common disease that affect people from all ages is asthma. Asthma basically targets the air passages which are responsible for bringing oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the lungs. When asthma attacks, the interior walls of these airways become swollen, thus, making it hard for a person to breathe. This swelling or inflammation is more likely caused by free radicals and allergens that a person may have inhaled.

Asthma can cause serious discomfort. If you have asthma, you will know how difficult it is to deal with this kind of recurring respiratory disease. The worst thing about asthma is that is not completely curable. This means that once you have been diagnosed with this disease, it can accompany you through your whole life. Though asthma cannot be fully treated, you can do many ways to manage it.

There are many preventive measures that you can do in order to lessen asthma attacks. One of these measures is to have a balanced, healthy diet. The good thing is that there are various kinds of foods that can help you with your asthma problem. If you want to fight asthma, then you better add these raw foods and drinks that help treat asthma to your daily meal:

   1. Honey is one of the greatest foods that you can find out there. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that can help boost your health. Honey is also rich in anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial contents which help ward off those allergens that may be causing the asthma attacks.

   2. Garlic, onion and ginger are common household spices which are nutritionally rich. It is widely used as an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory agent. To reduce the occurrence of asthma attacks and other respiratory diseases, you should add garlic to your food recipes or eat it as is if you can take its raw taste.

   3. Fish has plenty of natural oils such as Omega-3 fatty acids. This kind of oil is healthy and is a great anti-inflammatory agent. Consuming right amount of Omega-3 is good for the health, especially for the heart.

   4. Fruits are delicious and highly nutritious. When you eat fruits, not only can you lessen asthma attacks, but you are making your body a whole lot healthier. If you are asthmatic, consider consuming lots of fruits, especially those rich in Vitamin C.

   5. Green leafy vegetables can do your body good. The vitamins and minerals that you can get from eating this type of vegetable can help in regulating the flow of circulatory and respiratory systems. It also reduces inflammation caused by asthma attacks.

   6. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene which is one kind of antioxidant that helps protect the body from free radicals. This beta-carotene, when converted to Vitamin A can also supply the body with benefits such as good eyesight.

   7. Grains, beans and nuts contain a high magnesium levels which is a necessary element that helps lighten up asthmatic condition. So if you have asthma, maintain a high level of magnesium to help ward off severe attacks. Also remember that foods which undergo minimal process have high level of magnesium than processed foods.

   8. Fresh green tea contains natural compounds that help improve different organs of the body. It works by widening the different passages in the body such as arteries, veins and even the airways. It has been widely used in calming asthma attacks.

   9. Coffee can help in calming a person having an asthma attack. Although caffeine is not seen to be beneficial, it has a similar effect as the medical prescriptions taken by asthmatics.

  10. Water keeps the body fluids flowing. It helps flush away dirt inside the body and lightens up mucus that block the airways. Remember to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated.

The best way to fight asthma is to keep your body at the best condition possible. If you consume these anti-asthma raw food and drinks, you can expect less asthma attacks and a more vigorous, healthier body.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How To Stop Wheezing Naturally

This article is about how to stop wheezing naturally and effectively without the use of medication and drugs. More and more people are turning towards more natural means of treating ailments. The side effects of medication and drugs can have detrimental effects which in the long term can actually contribute to more health problems.

Wheezing is defined as the harsh, raspy sound made when breathing is restricted due to narrowing or constriction of the airways. This symptom is normally associated with respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. If you suffer from any of these conditions then you will be well acquainted with the sound and feel of wheezing.

Here are a couple of methods that are used to treat wheezing naturally. Some are old remedies and some are more recent techniques and methods.

1. Natural ingredients include honey, cinnamon powder and fresh ginger which can be taken as a drink or herbal concoction. You can easily find these remedies in health food stores.

2. Arachidonic acid is found in certain foods, such as egg yolks, shellfish, and meat. Eating less of these foods is thought to decrease inflammation and asthma symptoms as well as to treat any allergic reactions.

3. Ayurvedic herbs such as Boswellia are meant to decrease inflammation and aid in decreasing irritation in the airways. This is no a common herb but can be found in herbal medicine stores and normally prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners.

4. Alexander breathing technique to help improve posture and open up the airways. This breathing technique is becoming more and more popular as Western medicine is identifying with the link between posture and breathing.

5. Buteyko breathing technique which consists of shallow breathing exercises that are designed to help people with asthma breathe easier. This technique works on the principle of reducing the amount of oxygen dependence in the body and resetting the carbon dioxide response level. In essence this method is of the belief that the body takes in too much oxygen and this is the cause of many breathing problems.

6. The Bowen Technique is one of the most effective methods of treating wheezing. It is an extremely gentle and simple technique that can be learnt to treat and cure your wheezing naturally.

One of the most important things to bear in mind when deciding which natural remedy to try is how the remedy works to cure wheezing. To really stop your wheezing you need to treat the cause of the wheezing which in some cases is due to asthma.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Alternative Treatment for Asthma

What is asthma?

Asthma is a medical condition that affects many people worldwide. When inflammation in the airway (bronchial tubes) becomes inflamed, it can lead to difficulty breathing. Air is taken in, but because of the production of mucus and swelling in the airway tubes, it is difficult to release the air back out. Many triggers can bring on an asthmatic episode such as: over exertion, cigarette smoke, dust, and many times, allergies. When they are inhaled by an asthmatic these problematic conditions may occur. Some symptoms that could develop are: tightness in the chest, a wheezing or whistling sound when breathing, coughing, or tightness in the chest.

The most important measure that can be done to prevent flare-ups is to avoid the triggers. Many take controller medications on a daily basis to help ward off these problematic episodes. It is necessary to take these medications even when there are no signs or symptoms present. These might include inhalers or pills. Once the asthma has developed into a breathing problem, a stronger type of medication is given to the individual usually by way of a nebulizer. Steroids are taken in by inhaling through a mask to dilate the airways and help to alleviate the breathing problem and allowing oxygen into the patient's airway more easily. If the patient is not improving after this type of treatment they may need to seek emergency assistance quickly.

What are some alternative treatments for asthma?

There are many alternatives for those afflicted with asthma. Some people have the desire to use measures such as herbs and vitamins. They are turning towards a more natural approach to treat the disease rather than the use of steroids and medications with dangerous side effects. Some of those may include vitamin C, ding-chan tang (DCT), or Ma Huang (ephedra.) The United States Food Administration has banned the use of Ephedra in recent years. Yoga is used regularly as a form of controlling breathing by many. By controlled breathing, close attention is paid to the inhalation and exhalation process to ensure that sufficient amounts of oxygen are delivered to the lungs.

Many are seeking acupuncture treatment as a form of treatment. It is not clear how much impact it has on the treatment of asthma but many do believe it produces positive results. Relaxation techniques are being utilized as a way to decrease anxiety, which can trigger an episode of asthma. When changing treatments, it is important, to let the health care professional know because there can be an interaction to certain medications with the use of vitamins and herbs. If a blood thinner is being taken, it is important not to take Gingko biloba-- although it has proven to decrease inflammation in the airway--it also works as a blood thinner. Liquorice root is often used to settle inflammation, but it can elevate blood pressure. Research is important when opting for these types of treatment. Look for scientific backing and speak with the pharmacist or physician about possible interactions with medications you are taking.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Asthma - Signs, Symptoms and Risk Factors

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung condition. It can affect you at any age but most commonly develops at childhood. When asthma occurs, the airways in your lungs are narrowed down which unfortunately, limits the airflow to your lungs. The narrowing of the airways is caused by inflamed and swelled-up airway lining and is what causes the drastic effects of asthma.

Asthma has many easy to spot symptoms that may start appearing from the early years of childhood. They are well known and can show up in pretty much anyone. These symptoms usually include:

• Wheezing
• Coughing
• Shortness of breath
• Dry coughs

The actual cause of asthma is unknown but there are certain things we know that may increase the risk of asthma. These may include:

• If you have a parent with asthma, this may increase your risks of asthma itself.
• Exposure to certain environments
• Air pollution
• Obesity

There are various treatment options for asthma that usually depends on the severity of the condition. They include:

• Inhaled corticosteroids
• Long-acting beta agonists
• Combination inhalers
• Ipratropium
• Theophylline
• Leukotriene modifiers

Asthma is usually very common in children under the age of 5. If it is not treated from its early stages, children can be limited to all the fun they deserve I their childhood. There are signs you can look for in your children that may be symptoms of asthma. Usually, symptoms start to appear before the child reaches the age of 5 but there have been cases that have proved otherwise. Symptoms may include:

• Wheezing
• Frequent coughing
• Shortness of breath
• Tightness or pain in the chest area
• Laboured breathing
• Re-occurring headaches
• Loss of appetite

If your child ever experiences any of these symptoms, take them to your doctor as soon as possible as the symptoms tend to get worse over time. The doctor will create what's called an asthma action plan. The doctor will prescribe some medications to help decrease the symptoms.

There are many risk factors that can increase the chances of a child getting asthma. Some are listed here but these are not the only risk factors you have to take into consideration. Some of these risk factors may include:

• Exposure to allergens such as air pollution, dust and second-hand smoke
• Family history of asthma or allergies
• Low birth weight
• Exposure to smoke
• Parents who smoke
• Series of lung infections